In 2010 The Morris Leslie Group obtained Planning Permission in Principle for a development at Errol Airfield consisting of 240 housing units, to include for 60 affordable, plus an extension to the existing employment area. In 2013 due to the market conditions prevailing at the time the consent was extended and we are delighted to confirm that the timing is now right to move this development forward. We have recently submitted a detailed masterplan to Perth & Kinross Council which is in full compliance with the PPP consent. This website will outline our proposals and highlight the benefits for the Carse and for the Errol and Grange areas.
This development will bring many benefits to the local communities, including mainstream and affordable housing provision, employment opportunities, and the ability to secure and supplement local services. The Morris Leslie Group is a local company and major employer and we make a significant financial and social contribution to this area and, indeed, to the whole of Perthshire. It is worth noting that despite the economic downturn we have already provided additional employment space in excess of 30,000 sqft, which is half of that envisaged during the initial stages. It is in our interests, as well as the community's, that this development proposal is one that is presented sensibly, and which reflects the requirements of the area.